Wada’ (Prediction)

Wada’ (Prediction)

Khaled Mzher, DE 2015, 29 min

Screenings Cinema Next Europe 2016 (Programm Wolves)
Samstag 23. April, 16:30, Movie 3
Sonntag 24. April, 13:30, City 2

Ein naher Verwandter verschwindet in der syrischen Kriegsregion. Ibrahim, Instrumentenbauer und Familienvater, kämpft mit dem zermürbenden Verantwortungsgefühl seiner Familie gegenüber. Der Krieg ist Tausende Kilometer entfernt. Und dennoch zerstört er alles.

A close relative has disappeared in the Syrian war region. Ibrahim, an instrument maker and family man, enters a struggle with his feelings of responsibility towards his family back home. The war is thousands of kilometers away, and yet destroys everything.

Khaled Jamal Mzher, born in 1984, graduated from the Institute of Dramatic Arts in Damascus, Syria in 2007. He moved to Poland to study at the Polish National Film School in Łódź. Since 2012, he studies directing at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb). Wada’ won the Short Film Corner Award at the San Sebastián International Film Festival 2015.

Drehbuch / Screenplay Khaled Mzher
Kamera / Cinematography Alexander Haßkerl
Schnitt / Editing Khaled Mzher, Beatrice Babin
Produzentin / Producer Myriam Eichler (DE)

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