

Elsa María Jakobsdóttir, DK 2017, 30 min

Voller Geheimnis, Introspektion und verschlagenem Humor erzählt Atelier die Geschichte einer Frau, die Ruhe und frieden in einer modernen Studioutopie sucht. Ihr Aufenthalt wird allerdings brutal unterbrochen durch einen Soundkünstler, während mysteriöse Schafe dem Haus immer näher kommen. // Imbued with mystery, soul-searching and sly humour, Atelier tells the story of a woman seeking peace and quiet at a modern studio utopia. Her stay is jarringly interrupted by a sound artist while mysterious sheep close in on the house.

Elsa María Jakobsdóttir (b. 1982) graduated with Atelier from the National Film School of Denmark and was the first Icelandic woman to be accepted into the directing program. Atelier was part of the Future Frames 2017 selection at Karlovy Vary Film Festival.

Screenplay Elsa María Jakobsdóttir
Cinematography Annika Aschberg
Editing Mark Bukdahl
Production National Film School of Denmark

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