Sweet Maddie Stone

Sweet Maddie Stone

Brady Hood, GB 2016, 24 min

Screenings Cinema Next Europe 2017
Donnerstag 27. April, 13:30, City 2
Samstag 29. April, 14:00, Movie 3

„What can I say, I am a charmer!“, sagt Maddie Stone zynisch, nachdem sie – wieder einmal – nur um ein Haar nicht von der Schule geworfen wurde. Die Fünfzehnjährige hat massive „anger issues“: Ihr Vater sitzt im Knast und Maddie kann ihren Frust nur auf dem Pausenhof ausleben. Dort ist sie Chefin, vercheckt Süßigkeiten wie Drogen und verprügelt Schüler, die sich ihr in den Weg stellen – bis ihr ein anderer ihren Platz streitig macht.

Fifteen-year-old Maddie Stone rules her schoolyard under the protection of her family name. But after discovering her notorious father has been arrested, she has to make his bail money or lose the yard. The more Maddie fights, the more her world spirals out of control – and the closer she gets to becoming the man she’s trying to save.

Brady Hood, born in 1985, is a director and screenwriter based in London. After working as an assistant to film directors such as Joe Wright, Hood was accepted into the Directing Fiction course at The National Film and Television School. His 2016 graduation film, Sweet Maddie Stone, was awarded the Brief Grand Prix at Bristol Encounters Film Festival and Best British Short Film at the UK Film Festival 2016. He is now working on his first feature film, an adaptation of his successful short film.

Regie / Direction Brady Hood
Drehbuch / Screenplay Jessica Jackson, Brady Hood
Kamera / Cinematography Daniel Atherton
Schnitt / Editing Meredith Mantik
Produzent / Producer Jake Riley-Hunte (GB)

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